Serial Medication Service (CMS)

Across Scotland the Serial Medication Service, which is often referred to as CMS, is being used to simplify the way patients get medication for long term conditions.  Patients on long term medication which is stable and doesn’t need adjustment are having their prescriptions changed to a CMS prescription. This will mean rather than having to order a prescription every 2 months your medication will be available to collect from the chemist when you need it.

Changes to your prescription

Your GP or one of the practice pharmacists will review your medication and will consider if you are suitable for a CMS prescription.  The aim of serial prescribing is to make the ordering and collection of your repeat medication easier.  The practice will send your usual pharmacy a CMS prescription and they will dispense your normal 8 week supply from it each time your repeat prescription would be due. 

What this means to you:

  • You will no longer need to order your regular, repeat medicines from your GP practice. When you need a repeat supply please go to your usual Pharmacy and collect your medication.
  • The CMS prescription that has been issued and sent to your pharmacy lasts for up to 56 weeks. Your pharmacy will hold the prescription and issue you with a supply every 2 months.
  • Each time you collect your prescription your pharmacy will tell you when your next supply will be ready for you.  After 24 or 56 weeks when your prescription is finished, the Pharmacy will request a new one for you from your GP.
  • If we need to stop or if there are changes made to your prescription, the surgery will contact you and your usual Pharmacy.
  • You may have medicines which are taken “as required”, please note they will not be issued automatically but should be requested separately when needed.
  • If the practice contacts you to have your treatment reviewed, or for blood tests, please make an appointment for these as advised.
  • When you go to pick up your first supply your Pharmacy may ask you to complete a CMS registration form.

Your pharmacy can explain the service in more detail so if you have any questions about this, or your medicines in general, please ask your Pharmacist or contact the practice.  This service is optional, if you wish to opt out of this please inform your Pharmacist.